uploads_f9_56_59_72_65_ISOThreadLeg.scad 10.9 KB
// ISO Metric Thread Implementation
// Trevor Moseley
// 20/04/2014 (Legacy for OpenScad < 2014.3)

// For thread dimensions see
//   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:ISO_and_UTS_Thread_Dimensions.svg

WrenchSizes=0;	// =0= Rolson sizes, =1=Fairbury sizes

//--demo functions--------------------------------------------------------------

//hex_bolt(10,16);						// make an M10 x 16 ISO bolt
//hex_nut(10);							// make an M10 ISO nut
//hex_bolt(8,16);						// make an M8 x 16 ISO bolt
//hex_nut(8);							// make an M8 ISO nut
//hex_bolt(6,12);						// make an M6 x 12 ISO bolt
//hex_nut(6);							// make an M6 ISO nut
//thread_out(8,16);					// make an M8 x 16 ISO thread
//thread_out_centre(8,16);				// make a centre for an M8 x 16 ISO thread
//thread_out_pitch(8,16,1.0);			// make an M8 x 16 thread with 1 mm pitch
//thread_out_centre_pitch(8,16,0.5);	// make the centre for an M8 x 16 thread with 1 mm pitch
//thread_in(8,10);						// make an M8 x 10 ISO thread
//thread_in_ring(8,10,2);				// make a ring to enclose an M8 x 10 ISO thread with thickness 2 mm
//thread_in_pitch(8,10,1.0);			// make an M8 x 10 thread with 1mm pitch

// function for ISO coarse thread pitch (these are specified by ISO)
function get_coarse_pitch(dia) = lookup(dia, [

//--nut dims--------------------------------------------------------------------
// these are NOT specified by ISO
// support is provided for Rolson or Fairbury sizes, see WrenchSizes above

// function for Rolson hex nut diameter from thread size
function rolson_hex_nut_dia(dia) = lookup(dia, [
// function for Rolson hex nut height from thread size
function rolson_hex_nut_hi(dia) = lookup(dia, [

// function for Fairbury hex nut diameter from thread size
function fairbury_hex_nut_dia(dia) = lookup(dia, [
// function for Fairbury hex nut height from thread size
function fairbury_hex_nut_hi(dia) = lookup(dia, [

//--bolt dims-------------------------------------------------------------------
// these are NOT specified by ISO
// support is provided for Rolson or Fairbury sizes, see WrenchSizes above

// function for Rolson hex bolt head diameter from thread size
function rolson_hex_bolt_dia(dia) = lookup(dia, [
// function for Rolson hex bolt head height from thread size
function rolson_hex_bolt_hi(dia) = lookup(dia, [

// function for Fairbury hex bolt head diameter from thread size
function fairbury_hex_bolt_dia(dia) = lookup(dia, [
// function for Fairbury hex bolt head height from thread size
function fairbury_hex_bolt_hi(dia) = lookup(dia, [

//--top level modules-----------------------------------------------------------

module hex_bolt(dia,hi)
// make an ISO bolt
//  dia=diameter, 6=M6 etc.
//  hi=length of threaded part of bolt
	if (WrenchSizes==0)	rolson_hex_bolt(dia,hi);
	else					fairbury_hex_bolt(dia,hi);

module hex_nut(dia,hi)
// make an ISO nut
//  dia=diameter, 6=M6 etc.
	if (WrenchSizes==0)	rolson_hex_nut(dia);
	else					fairbury_hex_nut(dia);

module thread_out(dia,hi,thr=$fn)
// make an outside ISO thread (as used on a bolt)
//  dia=diameter, 6=M6 etc
//  hi=height, 10=make a 10mm long thread
//  thr=thread quality, 10=make a thread with 10 segments per turn
	p = get_coarse_pitch(dia);

module thread_in(dia,hi,thr=$fn)
// make an inside thread (as used on a nut)
//  dia = diameter, 6=M6 etc
//  hi = height, 10=make a 10mm long thread
//  thr = thread quality, 10=make a thread with 10 segments per turn
	p = get_coarse_pitch(dia);

module thread_out_pitch(dia,hi,p,thr=$fn)
// make an outside thread (as used on a bolt) with supplied pitch
//  dia=diameter, 6=M6 etc
//  hi=height, 10=make a 10mm long thread
//  p=pitch
//  thr=thread quality, 10=make a thread with 10 segments per turn
	Rmin=(dia/2)-(5*h);	// as wiki Dmin
	s=360/thr;				// length of segment in degrees
	t1=(hi-p)/p;			// number of full turns
	r=t1%1.0;				// length remaining (not full turn)
	t=t1-r;					// integer number of full turns
	n=r/(p/thr);			// number of segments for remainder
	// do full turns
		translate([0,0,tn*p])	th_out_turn(dia,p,thr);
	// do remainder

module thread_in_pitch(dia,hi,p,thr=$fn)
// make an inside thread (as used on a nut)
//  dia = diameter, 6=M6 etc
//  hi = height, 10=make a 10mm long thread
//  p=pitch
//  thr = thread quality, 10=make a thread with 10 segments per turn
	Rmin=(dia/2)-(5*h);	// as wiki Dmin
	s=360/thr;				// length of segment in degrees
	t1=(hi-p)/p;			// number of full turns
	r=t1%1.0;				// length remaining (not full turn)
	t=t1-r;					// integer number of turns
	n=r/(p/thr);			// number of segments for remainder
		translate([0,0,tn*p])	th_in_turn(dia,p,thr);

module thread_out_centre(dia,hi)
	p = get_coarse_pitch(dia);

module thread_out_centre_pitch(dia,hi,p)
	h = (cos(30)*p)/8;
	Rmin = (dia/2) - (5*h);	// as wiki Dmin
	cylinder(r = Rmin, h = hi);

module thread_in_ring(dia,hi,thk)
		cylinder(r = (dia/2)+0.5,h = hi);
		translate([0,0,-1]) cylinder(r = (dia/2)+0.1, h = hi+thk);

//--low level modules-----------------------------------------------------------

module rolson_hex_bolt(dia,hi)
// make an ISO bolt with Rolson wrench sizes
//  dia=diameter, 6=M6 etc.
//  hi=length of threaded part of bolt
	hhi = rolson_hex_bolt_hi(dia);
	cylinder(r = rolson_hex_bolt_dia(dia)/2,h = hhi, $fn=6);
	translate([0,0,hhi-0.1])	thread_out(dia,hi+0.1);
	translate([0,0,hhi-0.1])	thread_out_centre(dia,hi+0.1);

module fairbury_hex_bolt(dia,hi)
// make an ISO bolt with Fairbury wrench sizes
//  dia=diameter, 6=M6 etc.
//  hi=length of threaded part of bolt
	hhi = fairbury_hex_bolt_hi(dia);
	cylinder(r = fairbury_hex_bolt_dia(dia)/2,h = hhi, $fn=6);
	translate([0,0,hhi-0.1])	thread_out(dia,hi+0.1);
	translate([0,0,hhi-0.1])	thread_out_centre(dia,hi+0.1);

module rolson_hex_nut(dia)
// make an ISO nut with Rolson wrench sizes
//  dia=diameter, 6=M6 etc.
	hi = rolson_hex_nut_hi(dia);
		cylinder(r = rolson_hex_nut_dia(dia)/2,h = hi, $fn=6);
		translate([0,0,-0.1])	cylinder(r = dia/2, h =hi + 0.2);
	translate([0,0,0.1])	thread_in(dia,hi-0.2);

module fairbury_hex_nut(dia)
// make an ISO nut with Fairbury wrench sizes
//  dia=diameter, 6=M6 etc.
	hi = fairbury_hex_nut_hi(dia);
		cylinder(r = fairbury_hex_nut_dia(dia)/2,h = hi, $fn=6);
		translate([0,0,-0.1])	cylinder(r = dia/2, h =hi + 0.2);
	translate([0,0,0.1])	thread_in(dia,hi-0.2);

module th_out_turn(dia,p,thr=$fn)
// make a single turn of an outside thread
//  dia=diameter, 6=M6 etc
//  p=pitch
//  thr=thread quality, 10=make a thread with 10 segments per turn
	h = (cos(30)*p)/8;
	Rmin = (dia/2) - (5*h);	// as wiki Dmin
	s = 360/thr;

module th_out_pt(rt,p,s,sg,thr,h,sh)
// make a part of an outside thread (single segment)
//  rt = radius of thread (nearest centre)
//  p = pitch
//  s = segment length (degrees)
//  sg = segment number
//  thr = segments in circumference
//  h = ISO h of thread / 8
//  sh = segment height (z)
	as = (sg % thr) * s;			// angle to start of seg
	ae = as + s  - (s/100);		// angle to end of seg (with overlap)
	z = sh*sg;
	//pp = p/2;
	//   1,4
	//   |\
	//   | \  2,5
 	//   | / 
	//   |/
	//   0,3
	//  view from front (x & z) extruded in y by sg
	//echo(str("as=",as,", ae=",ae," z=",z));
		points = [
			[cos(as)*rt,sin(as)*rt,z],								// 0
			[cos(as)*rt,sin(as)*rt,z+(3/4*p)],						// 1
			[cos(as)*(rt+(5*h)),sin(as)*(rt+(5*h)),z+(3/8*p)],		// 2
			[cos(ae)*rt,sin(ae)*rt,z+sh],							// 3
			[cos(ae)*rt,sin(ae)*rt,z+(3/4*p)+sh],					// 4
			[cos(ae)*(rt+(5*h)),sin(ae)*(rt+(5*h)),z+sh+(3/8*p)]],	// 5
		triangles = [
			[0,1,2],			// near face
			[3,5,4],			// far face
			[0,3,4],[0,4,1],	// left face
			[0,5,3],[0,2,5],	// bottom face
			[1,4,5],[1,5,2]]);	// top face

module th_in_turn(dia,p,thr=$fn)
// make an single turn of an inside thread
//  dia = diameter, 6=M6 etc
//  p=pitch
//  thr = thread quality, 10=make a thread with 10 segments per turn
	h = (cos(30)*p)/8;
	Rmin = (dia/2) - (5*h);	// as wiki Dmin
	s = 360/thr;

module th_in_pt(rt,p,s,sg,thr,h,sh)
// make a part of an inside thread (single segment)
//  rt = radius of thread (nearest centre)
//  p = pitch
//  s = segment length (degrees)
//  sg = segment number
//  thr = segments in circumference
//  h = ISO h of thread / 8
//  sh = segment height (z)
	as = ((sg % thr) * s - 180);	// angle to start of seg
	ae = as + s -(s/100);		// angle to end of seg (with overlap)
	z = sh*sg;
	pp = p/2;
	//         2,5
	//          /|
	//     1,4 / | 
 	//         \ |
	//          \|
	//         0,3
	//  view from front (x & z) extruded in y by sg
		points = [
			[cos(as)*(rt+(5*h)),sin(as)*(rt+(5*h)),z],				//0
			[cos(as)*rt,sin(as)*rt,z+(3/8*p)],						//1
			[cos(as)*(rt+(5*h)),sin(as)*(rt+(5*h)),z+(3/4*p)],		//2
			[cos(ae)*(rt+(5*h)),sin(ae)*(rt+(5*h)),z+sh],			//3
			[cos(ae)*rt,sin(ae)*rt,z+(3/8*p)+sh],					//4
			[cos(ae)*(rt+(5*h)),sin(ae)*(rt+(5*h)),z+(3/4*p)+sh]],	//5
		triangles = [
			[0,1,2],			// near face
			[3,5,4],			// far face
			[0,3,4],[0,4,1],	// left face
			[0,5,3],[0,2,5],	// bottom face
			[1,4,5],[1,5,2]]);	// top face